Iroquois Tennis Club is organized under the City of Toronto Parks and Recreation Division. The club is operated by a group of volunteers who organize tennis and social events with the objective of promoting the sport within the community. The Club is affiliated with the Scarborough Tennis Federation and Ontario Tennis Association.
Kid and adult friendly
Beginner and competitive tennis
Potluck events
The club is located within walking distance from Woodside Square (Finch and McCowan) and Chartwell Plaza (Brimley and Huntingwood). The tennis courts and clubhouse are within the Iroquois Park, which has a parking lot, a playground and a baseball diamond. The tennis club has 3 hard courts with lights for evening play and a clubhouse with washrooms and kitchen facilities. Additionally, the tennis club features washrooms.
Yew Meng Heng
Certification: Instructor
Teaching Experience: 4 years
James Luk
Head Instructor
Certification: Instructor - Honors
Teaching Experience: 3 years
Lawrence Ma
Certiciation: Instructor - Honors
Teaching Experience: 3 years